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Lead Mentor


My name is Amanda De Além-Arredondo. I am Trilingual in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

I was born a sequential Portuguese-English learner. On a regular basis I was exposed to Spanish as my parents relied on Spanish news for their information and entertainment. With hearing Spanish daily, I decided to formally learn Spanish in 7th-12th grades, where I took Spanish AP courses. Little did I know that at the end of 12th grade I would need Spanish for the rest of my life. I began dating my husband and needed Spanish to communicate with his parents and family members living here and in Mexico. Needless to say, the Spanish language and Mexican culture became a HUGE part of this first-generation Portuguese-American girl!

I love to travel to Portugal every summer because communicating with my family and friends via phone calls and messages is not enough. Today, I am happy to share my about-to-be 2 year old is a trilingual bebe!

I received my Master’s degree from New York Medical College and my Bilingual Extension From Teacher’s College, Columbia University. I currently work with clients ranging from 1-42 years old both in the school setting and my private practice. I enjoy working with the autism and multiple disabilities populations as well as the bilingual children.

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